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Pool Opening

Published: May 14, 2024

We are writing to remind Homeowners that any delinquent account status will unfortunately result in a suspension of your amenity/pool access until the account is brought current. We encourage Homeowners who may have a delinquency to apply for a Payment Plan to see if you may be eligible to remedy any past due amounts owed through a structured payment process. Once you are approved for and have made your first payment on time, your amenity / pool access can be restored and will remain active as long as monthly payments on the plan are made on time. You may apply for a Payment Plan online from your Association’s website or should you have more questions or need further assistance, please click on the “Contact Us” tab and choose “Billing” in the drop-down menu. To speak to someone direct, please call (972) 428-2030 and ask for our Billing Department.

Additionally, please note, Homeowners who are leasing their homes must request amenity / pool access. We will not process requests from Tenants or any person who is not the registered Owner of the Property. Suspension of amenity / pool access for leased / rented homes that have a delinquent status on an account apply the same as an owner-occupied home.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and have a great day.

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