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Notice of Road Construction

Published: March 08, 2025

Falcon Way Lane Closure

Please be advised that road construction will be taking place on Falcon Way in Forney, TX, as indicated in the attached diagram. This project will involve lane closure, and traffic control measures will be in place to ensure safety for both drivers and pedestrians.

Key Details:

    • Location: 7000 Falcon Way, Forney, TX
    • Closure: Left lane closed ahead
    • Traffic Control Measures: Signage, delineators, and arrow boards will be in place

We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time. Please exercise caution when traveling in the area and follow all posted signs.

For any questions or concerns, feel free to use the “Contact Us” tab on the community website.

Click here to download and read the 20250116-01 Falcon Way Lane Closure Watkins

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